Victoria Collections

Happy New Year

I am starting to use Victoria Collections and would be very grateful for any feedback from School Archivists using this resource. I have noticed that many schools only have a couple of records on the site and was wondering if you are keeping most of your records private?

Kind regards

Melissa Campbell


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  • Many thanks for your replies. I will be using Victorian Collections to catalogue the CGGS Collection and in the process of signing a MoU with TROVE before the May deadline. The School has decided not to identify our students, however I hope to have a good amount of records on the site publicly available that will give an overall history of the School while keeping images that do have names attached under the private tab.

    Kind regards Melissa

  • Morning Melissa and Esmae,

    I agree with Esmae.  Lack of time and other priorities is the reason this site is probably not used extensively.  School web sites (archives tabs) are where images of collections tend to reside.  But again, its a time, effort and priority issue.



  • Afternoon Melissa,

    I don't think it's that 'malicious' (?).  Speaking for myself, it is one task among many with very limited time.  It is just not my highest priority, and fairly time consuming if you are going to do it well.  Your comment is very telling, actually.

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