Vacuum Cleaner

Can anyone recomment a small vacuum with adjustable suction, suitable for use on delicate items such as uniforms, but also able to handle somewhat larger jobs? Many thanks for your suggestions.


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  • Excellent suggestions re HEPA and the noise factor, Christine, thank you. As you say, it's clearly critical to ensure that whatever vacuum is chosen, it is suitable for the micro attachments. The Powerhouse link you posted is very helpful:  their point about "dirt" as archival evidence is well-taken, although I will now always find myself wondering, "Is this just plain dirt, or is it IMPORTANT dirt?"

    Steve: if you did purchase a vacuum, please provide details!

    Thanks to you both.

  • hi Judy


     couple of other factors to also consider is the importance of the selected vacuum having a HEPA (hi fficiency particulate filter) and also how noisy it is. The purchase of a set of universal micro attachments to use with your vacuum will enable you to reduce suction and also clean more delicate items- an information sheet I've found useful is




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