Looking for help on aisle width requirements

Hi all,

I've been trying, with no luck, to determine the minimum walkway I need to leave between shelves in an archives storage area. Does anyone here know how to find out?

I'm trying to plan out storage in our archives, which are under renovation, and the answer might make a big difference in how much shelving I'm able to have.


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  • Thanks, I'm also going to check the latest Keeping Archives when I get home too (I only have the first edition on hand).

  • Thanks for the suggestion!
    Ted's book was published in 1998, would it still be current?

    • I would think so - I have a copy at home - I'll have a look.

  • Hi Penny,

    Ted Ling published a book - Solid Safe Secure on archival storage which might look at this but as long as you can get a ladder or trolley down between the aisles with a little room to spare I don't think there are standards. 

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