EDRMS in Schools

Hi all

I am investigating EDRMS options for my school and wondering if any of you had any experience (good or bad) that you would like to share. At the moment I am reseraching SharePoint 2010 and reports of 88% compliance with Australian RK Standards. Also that with the addition of RecordPoint the gaps can be filled to meet total compliance needs.

I am interested to hear of your expriences with these or other EDRMS options.

Thanks Margaret

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  • I had the meeting with my Bursar about this topic. She is positive. Already they are having record keeping problems, and because they are working towards a paperless office, document control has become a priority. There was talk that perhaps a new role of records manager should be created (though this is early days so I won't get excited about that!). It is decided that the implementation of an EDRMS will have to come from the Council in order to gain staff compliance.


    The only EDRMS I have heard about is TRIM, which from what I understand, is mostly used with government offices. I will keep this thread updated with progress and hopfully if other people are going through this process we can share knowledge and ideas.


    It's a huge undertaking!

    • Great to hear you are making progress Kate but as you say it is a huge undertaking - in more ways than one. I am hoping that the process of implementing an EDRMS will be made a little easier because we have already implemented RRSNGS (and now almost completed a full review of its implementation). I think that this must make it easier than trying to implement an EDRMS on the totally ad hoc records system we previously had.

      Please keep me posted on your progress.


    • Hi Margaret and Kate,

      We had some comments on this topic before. I just want to share in here again so others could comments too. As we know this is a huge project, not about searching a software package, also how to utilise them. If we didn't have basic recordkeeping plan, EDRMS doesn't help a lot.

      According to DIRKS manual, design and buy software package is not the first step. We need to understand what our organisations need and what they need to have in the system. Also with other Rrecord Management supporting tool, such as policies, thesaurus etc.... Of course staffs to develop and maintain the whole system and resouces are necessary!

      Meanwhile, we need to let our management team know they need to spend money, time and other resources inside. I guess in school, you may need your council, principal and Bursar understand. Implementing an EDRMS is a really long term process which need great workload.


  • I have a meeting next week with my bursar to discuss this. My archives is not receiving electronic documents so something has to be done about this. I've had a couple of casual conversations with the ICT manager about this too. He understands the need for it and in the long-run it will benefit his team as well.

  • We aren't quite this far along the path to records paradise, however I would be very interested in following your journey -do you blog?



    • Hi Esmae

      Sorry, no blog at this stage - time is always so precious. I have made no further progress on this as yet either but I have been in discussions with one of two others who are exploring this pathway. I will re-post when I have something to report.

      Regards Margaret

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