Camberwell High School becomes second target of major privacy breach in two weeks

Ebony Bowden 
  • Ebony Bowden

Police are investigating a second major privacy breach at a Melbourne high school which saw the personal information of families illegally accessed by a student.

The breach at Camberwell High School follows a similar but unrelated incident at Blackburn High School two weeks ago where the personal information of families was illegally obtained and published online.

The breaches have left parents feeling vulnerable and raised questions about how the Department of Education and individual schools deal with cyber security issues.

A Department of Education spokesman on Monday confirmed a student at Camberwell High School gained unauthorised access to Compass – a school management software system – and accessed the personal information of families.

Camberwell High School is the second school where software containing personal data has been illegally accessed.Camberwell High School is the second school where software containing personal data has been illegally accessed. Photo: Gary Medlicott

Blackburn High School fell victim to a similar attack two weeks ago when an individual illegally accessed Compass and shared the personal information of families online, including their addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth and medical conditions.

A scam email masquerading as a letter from Blackburn High School principal Joanna Alexander was also sent to parents, asking them to submit their credit card details.

Police are speaking to one person of interest in relation to the incident. It is unclear if they are also a student.

Tania Andrusiak, whose son is in year 8 at Blackburn High School, said she was still waiting to hear from someone at the school after her entire family's details were published online.

Blackburn High School fell victim to a similar privacy breach.Blackburn High School fell victim to a similar privacy breach. 

Principals at both schools have failed to return multiple calls from Fairfax Media.

Ms Andrusiak said she felt "sick" when learning of the privacy breach and said all her concerns about identity theft and fraud had been dismissed.

Compass is a school management system used widely in Victoria.Compass is a school management system used widely in Victoria. Photo: Compass Education

She said her repeated calls to the school went unreturned.

Compass Education also declined to provide information about the hacking, saying the matter was now a police investigation.

Tania Andrusiak's family was the victim of a major privacy breach at Blackburn High School.Tania Andrusiak's family was the victim of a major privacy breach at Blackburn High School. Photo: Justin McManus

"The school has done absolutely nothing, not even passing on information. There has been completely no support," Ms Andrusiak told Fairfax Media.

"The school hasn't called us to say this is what to do if you're approached by anybody or if fraudulent accounts are set up with your information. There's just nothing. It's been a brick wall."

A message sent to Blackburn High parents about the breach.A message sent to Blackburn High parents about the breach. 

Ms Andrusiak, who has a background in cyber safety, said she was concerned her son's personal information could have fallen into the hands of a predator.

"I just felt really sick. You don't know who has obtained that information."

The hacking was not addressed in a newsletter sent out following the privacy breach and students were reportedly told by teachers the breach was "nothing to worry about".

The only way Ms Andrusiak discovered where and what personal information had been revealed was through repeated calls to the Department of Education.

Department of Education spokesman Alex Munro said work was being done to prevent Compass being breached again.

"The department has identified how the student gained access to school computers and is following up with all schools to ensure this cannot happen anywhere else."

Mr Munro said Camberwell High School families affected by the breach were contacted immediately and a school-wide letter was sent out.

Ms Andrusiak said a hotline established for parents was of little help and was manned by a Department of Education employee who was responsible for physical security at schools, not cyber security.

"He just sounded completely out of his depth and didn't understand the terms I was mentioning or have any sense of what was going on. I couldn't believe I'd been put on to this guy."

She said she spoke to her son about what to do if someone he didn't know contacted him but said schools needed to become more involved in cyber safety.

"They haven't given any support at all. It's been worse than useless. That makes me really, really mad. I've had just silence. I feel like I've completely lost faith with that school."

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