
  • Hi Helen,

    We're not currently, though it seems an interesting idea!  I hope you get some good answers :) 

    As an aside, we're currently investigating options for digitising our AV collection.  Can anyone recommend a company which handles digitisation?  I've heard positive things about Grace, and recently met the team at DVD Infinity.  Any recommendations (or cautionary tales?!), based on good experiences, would be very welcome :)

    Thanks everyone - have a great week!



    PS. Our AV collection is a mix of audio cassettes, VHS, audio 1/4 inch reels, microfilm, FilmKa 35mm slide projection films, 8mm film, betacam SP, umatic, miniDV, 1/2 inch video, plus slides and photos.

  • My School also has many oral histories and quite a bit of film. Currently the film is shown on loop on a monitor in the museum but the actual audio from the oral history isn't utilised for anything just yet. I have plans to edit it and use snippets on the website. I'm currently exchanging emails with the ICT department to have some film placed up on the website. I use quotes from the oral histories to enrich the displays in the museum (printed out on thick paper) but I am mucking around trying to figure out how the audio can be used in the displays with something like an app (QR codes?) and smart phones.

  • Hi Helen

    My school also has a significant A-V collection of a broad cross-section of our school community from staff and former students to Board members, others from associated bodies. We also have footage from a number of historic events. We are gradually building on this collection and  also undertook a digitisation project to migrate some of our more significant recordings from earlier days to formats that are more user-friendly with today's technology. When we do oral histories we use a permission authority based on one of the templates in Keeping Archives (Third Edition) to formalise how each of these recordings can be used. We are yet to use them on our website but we did use them to produce an A-V for a recent anniversary combining digitised oral histories and movie footage with still photos and text. Thiis multi-media clip has since been used for many things including at former student events and within our classrooms. I find that this type of format is very well received by most audiences.

  • Hi Helen

    Our AV Technician has recently started collecting and converting footage of interviews and other school related events to make available on our Library website for the College community to view.



  • Hi Helen,

    My school has a significant audio-visual collection of footage taken of students throughout their schooling.

    It is predominantly used to produce an end-of-year Valedictory DVD of the current crop of Year 12 students.


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