ASA RRDS Review - Useful Links

Greetings all School Archivists,

The Vic School Archives SIG held an information session yesterday (Wed 23 August) with Judith Ellis about the review of the ASA's Records Retention and Disposal Schedule for Non-Government Schools.

Judith will be visiting other states for similar sessions soon.

Below are some links to references that Judith referred to in her presentation that you might find useful.

Royal Commission’s Consultation Paper on Recordkeeping 2016:

List of submissions in response to the above Consultation Paper, and the submissions within the same webpage

Bringing Them Home report (1997):

National Archives of Australia- notification of disposal freeze:
Or access the full notice here: NAA-Notice-of-Disposal-Freeze-Records-responses-to-child-abuse_2012.pdf

I think we are all very pleased the ASA has taken the initiative with this review and we thank Judith for her work so far.


Brigid Cooper

Convenor, Victorian School Archives SIG

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  • I can't wait to have a look at the final schedule. It must have been a massive job!

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