Archives Policy

Hi everyone,

My name's Amalta and I've been the Archivist at Canberra Girls Grammar School for the past 3 months now and I'm stuck. 

I'm in the middle of writing an Archives Policy for the school and I do not know what to include from an Anglican Schools point of view. 

I purchased the Records Retention Schedule for Non-Government Schools for CGGS since we didn't have it, and I couldn't find anything in terms of Spirituality.  

Also, would it be too much if I sent each department a CGGS specific version of the section of the RRSNGS that relates to them? It feels and looks like the school has been using the Archives as a sort of 'dumping ground/store room' after they clean out their offices and I would like that to stop. 

So any help from anyone, especially those with an Anglican Schools' perspective would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance and I look forward to contributing wherever I can.



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  • Hi Amalta,

    I have visited and emailed various staff members to explain what records are suitable for archives, and provided them with copies of relevant sections of the retention schedule. It does take a bit of explaining for them to understand just what it is I do and what type of information I am looking for. Records management training here is ad hoc so it is a foreign concept for many of them. (I could write a lot about this battle I have!)

    My archives used to be a dumping ground too. After about fifty or so boxes I toughened up and refused to accept any boxes that just turn up without notice and told staff that any boxes that weren't relevant to archives were going to be sent back to them. They all have copies of the retention schedule and I also am very happy to go to their office to help sort. I don't want to stop all boxes coming through to me as there is some gold amongst the rest of the fire kindle, but it needs to be heavily filtered first.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Amalta,

    While we still use the ASA schedule for Non-government schools we do have series in place for religious education (includes spiritual exercises, prayer, liturgy etc, we include retreats/camps for RE purposes, pastoral care and social justice).

    I would suggest you simply include Religious Education as a general heading with the various sub-groupings to identify what should be retained permanently or otherwise.


    Loreto Ballarat

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