ASA Membership Subscription Fees 2014

As ASA members, you will have received notice of the next Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held in Canberra on 15 October 2013.

One agenda item which impacts us all, regardless of membership type, is the setting of Membership Subscription Fees. 

The Council has proposed a rise in fees for the coming year. Examples are:
  •   Institutional (Category B): was $275 - proposed $300
  •   Associate (Employed): was $175 - proposed $190
  •   Professional: was $300 - proposed $330
See the full list at: Click Here
Schools make up the largest group of Institutional Membership in the ASA membership. This agenda item is the only one that Institutional Members have voting rights for (one per institution) and it is important that we exercise this right. 


Do you agree with the proposed Subscription Fees?


If you are unable to attend the AGM, you are encouraged to fill in a Proxy Form Click Here and send it to the Secretary/Treasurer, as detailed on the form.


Happy voting!
Brigid Cooper
Victorian School Archives Special Interest Group

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  • Hello all,

    thought I would throw some statistics into the discussion. We have around 790 ASA members at the moment. There are 256 professional members, 270 associate members, 85 Institutional A members and 173 Institutional B members. Out of this 130 members are schools so they certainly do make up the largest group of Institutional B members. This doesn't take into account some of the schoolies who join as associates or professional members.


    Angela McGing

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