The next meeting of the ASA NSW Branch will be held on Wednesday 20 July 2011, at State Records NSW Sydney Records Centre, in the Seminar Room.

Time: 5.30pm for refreshments ($5 donation to cover costs), guest speaker at 6pm. The meeting should finish at about 7.30pm.

Business meeting: There will be NO business meeting in July 2011. (The last business meeting was in June 2011).

Guest Speaker:  Michael Bennett of NTSCORP will speak to us about native title research and how NTSCORP collates the data they collect.

Michael Bennett is the historian with NTSCORP, a Federally funded organisation which assists Aboriginal communities in NSW and ACT with native title claims. 

Their website is at

Michael will be talking about the role of anthropological and historical research in native title claims and the unique and innovative ways in which NTSCORP stores and analyses the research data, using genealogical software and a relational database (designed in-house by James Rose, anthropologist).

For enquiries, contact Branch Convenor Louise Trott:

Please send your apologies to Branch Co-Secretary Melanie Grogan:

or Use the RSVP option here on the NING.

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