More from the ARA perspective on ICA 2012: about the Universal Declaration on Archives session presented by our own Kim Eberhard & Colleen McEwen.

Ian Wakeling writes:

"For me, this has particularly been the case with the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Archives (UDA or Declaration). Tuesday’s (21st August) session at the Congress on the UDA by Kim Eberhard and Colleen McEwan served to light a candle of inspiration and I am now a dedicated follower of the UDA.

I knew of the Declaration, but hadn’t fully appreciated its importance to the profession.

One session can be professionally life-changing; this is my journey of discovery that flowed from this session. Does the archive profession fully appreciate the significance of the UDA?

If not, then we really should, because this document has the potential to be “the most important breakthrough for archives in a generation”, as quoted by David Leitch, ICA Secretary General."

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