Hello Archives Live community!

Apologies for cross-postings and I hope it is OK to share in this forum. 

We are conducting an international research project assessing records professionals’ perceptions of their professional identity. At present, however, the research is limited to those who identify as records professionals* in Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and Canada. 

If you have been working for more than six months in one of the above jurisdictions as a records professional, we invite you to complete a survey: https://curtin.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dcJYzY9qPwkZX81

The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete and is anonymous. We do not collect names and emails unless you give them to us. You may share your contact details if you register your interest in participating in a follow-up interview. 

The survey is open now and will be available until Wednesday, Sept 1, 2021.

There will be no costs or direct payment for participating.

If you have any questions about the study or study procedures, please do not hesitate to contact someone from the research team listed below.

Leisa Gibbons, Lecturer, School of Media, Creative Arts & Social Inquiry, Curtin University leisa.gibbons@curtin.edu.au +61 8 9266-7076
Janine Douglas, Adjunct Lecturer, School of Information Studies, Charles Sturt University jdouglas@csu.edu.au
Donald Force, Associate Professor, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee force@uwm.edu or +1 414-251-7821

Thank you for your time.

* What is a records professional? For this study, we broadly define a records professional as someone whose job involves working with records AND who also identifies as a records professional. Common titles for records professionals may include but are not limited to: records managers, information managers, knowledge managers, archivists or heritage managers, etc. Records professionals can also be called officers, consultants, or analysts, not just managers.

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