Bula vinaka, Talofa lava and warm greetings to you from across the Pacific!

On behalf of the Bureau of the Pacific Branch of the International Council on Archives (PARBICA) and our hosts the Government of Samoa, I am delighted to invite you to participate at PARBICA’s 14th Biennial Conference.

The theme of the conference is Evidence and Memory in the Digital Age. Why? Because we must co-operate to succeed in developing robust systems that can sustain evidential information and document the memory of the world in the digital age. The digital age comes with the risk of creating a digital landfill - where information is discarded, expensive to locate and retrieve, or just lost forever. However new technologies also provide exciting opportunities for us to connect more users to our collections and preserve fragile records through digitisation, and support our government’s commitments to good information governance by utilising the guidance available from PARBICA.

There will be a range of practical training workshops on such things as PARBICA’s new guidance on managing digital records for the ‘Recordkeeping for Good Governance Toolkit’, on the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme, on ‘archival basics’ and on disaster preparedness and response for Pacific archives. There will also be many opportunities to discuss participants’ experiences in using new technologies to engage with users. All participants will be expected to engage actively in the conference.

Delegates will also have opportunities to take part in a special day long cultural visit and set of activities.

Further information about the conference and a registration form are attached. If you intend to come, please return your registration form by June 8 2011 at the latest.

The conference is fee for non PARBICA members is AUD$350. There is no conference fee for PARBICA members. PARBICA members will also be sent request for assistance forms and additional information shortly.


If you would like to discuss the possibility of presenting a paper at the conference (spaces are limited), or have any questions, then please feel free to contact me.

Details below.

Mark Crookston
Secretary General
Pacific Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives (PARBICA)
DDI: +64 4 4961394


P14-Registration Form.doc

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